So, once again, my son has lost his cell phone. I got a call from a lady saying that she had found it, and that the next time I contact him, he should call her. But, how do I contact him?
I tried e-mail, but he rarely checks it. Besides, by the time he gets around to checking it, my e-mail will no doubt be way down the list, and he'll not see it. So, I decided for a while to send an e-mail once day, just to keep it up at the top of the e-mail list in his inbox.
It grew boring. So I decided to put such titles as "Day One: the Missing Cell Phone," "Day Two: The Mystery of Derek's Cell Phone--Revealed!" in the subject header, just to bring some attention to the e-mail. No dice, since when I called, I just got voice mail; I can assume from this that he still hasn't retrieved his cell phone.
I realized then, that I was thinking "old-school." His generation doesn't really think in terms of e-mail. That's for late boomer/gen xers. No, his generation thinks in terms of cell phones and text messages (which of course he can't get, since he's missing his cell) and blogs, like Blogger, MySpace, or Facebook.
He has both a MySpace and Facebook site. Now, I suspect it's not very cool to have one's mom post a comment on your MySpace comments section, especially if you're a guy. It would be embarrassing. However, what is a mother to do, especially if he doesn't look at his e-mail?
Risk embarrassing my son and get his cell phone to him, or have him go without, so that he'll miss phone calls from friends and family, be unable to contact professors, call the doctor (he's been ill recently, so...), and so on?
I thought to myself, I am SO all over that embarrassment route. After all, I've embarrassed him on and off most of his life. I wouldn't be a real parent if I didn't embarrass him at one point or another.
So I posted a comment on his MySpace page: "Your cell phone has been found. Check your e-mail. --Mom."
Such a contrast to the rest of his MySpace page. Indeedy.
He will probably not want to talk to me the rest of this semester if he sees that. Possibly the rest of the year.
I'm a Bad Mom. :-)
The first…
3 years ago