My dear husband and I are just fine, thank you. However, he is all over this Harbaugh vs. Harbaugh Super Bowl that people are calling the "Harbowl." Why?
1. At last, people will know how to pronounce "Harbaugh," at least the ones who will be watching the Super Bowl.
2. As a fan of history, he considers this the culmination of all the major conflicts in which the Harbaughs have participated in the history of the United States: "Harbaughs have fought with honor for the Revolutionary War.* We have fought in the Civil War.** We have fought in World War II.*** Now, we are bringing the fight to the Super Bowl!"
3. As a result, he is very conscious of how momentous this event is in Harbaugh history, yea, even unto the whole country: "YES! For the first time in football history, two brothers are major league football coaches. For the first time IN THE HISTORY OF THE KNOWN UNIVERSE two HARBAUGHS are going head-to-head at the SUPER BOWL! BRING IT!!!!!!"
Oh yeah. I am SO looking forward to February 3. Uh huh.
*John Harbaugh, magistrate, York County, Pennsylvania, 1777; Christian Thomas Harbaugh, Frederick County Militia, 1779.
**The Civil War Journal of Horace Harbaugh
***William Henry Harbaugh, PhD; Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia; Captain of Battery “A”, 62nd AAA Gun Battalion under Gen. George Patton and Gen. Patch.
The first…
3 years ago