Friday, October 15, 2010

Family Vacation!

So I got my lifetime wish at last:  John, Derek, and I finally had our family vacation. The last time we went on a family vacation away from home was when Derek was three years old.  He is now twenty-three.  Twenty years since we've gone on a vacation away from home.

Now we're in Germany and at last, at last we're visiting historical places and going to different cities.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Beer Bicycle

So, with Oktoberfest at a close, I discover this answer to drinking and driving:

Yes, it's a beer bike.  You rent out this contraption, have a bunch of your friends pedal the thing, while another (sober) person steers it, all the while touring the city of your choice as you all drink beer on tap.

Those Germans think of everything when it comes to accommodating Oktoberfest.

The city of Dusseldorf has decided to forbid the use of these beer bikes (you can't use them without a permit in Dusseldorf), not because of the drinking and driving issue, but because they're slow, and some passengers have fallen off and obstructed traffic (no one killed, though).

No, I have not tried this thing, partly because I'm not sure how many people I can get to go in on this with me, although it does look interesting.

The Alien Child has Arrived in Germany

After a series of mishaps, the boy is here at last.  The incoming Delta flight into Amsterdam was a bit late, and because of customs/security checks, he couldn't run fast enough to make the connecting flight to Dusseldorf at the other end of the airport.  The next flight was full, he missed the next flight because he fell asleep, and then he finally caught the one that arrived at 10:30 pm, a full 12 hours later than he was supposed to arrive.

It was a hassle for us, in that we left home and had to return three times; problem is that it takes about as much time for us to drive to Dusseldorf as it does for the plane to travel from Amsterdam to Dusseldorf, so the first time we ended up waiting a long time, the second time we almost got to the parking garage, and the third time we finally retrieved him. 

He seemed nevertheless to enjoy the extended layover, as it  gave him the opportunity to talk with people from many nationalities  and discuss their culture and beliefs while waiting around in the  airport, as well as explain a few things about the United States (such  as it's not technically a democracy, but a republic; and how there can  be different laws depending on what state you're in, instead of every  state having the exact same laws). In fact, he seemed at one point to  get an international discussion going with a group of people from  various nations regarding culture and politics; I think  he had a British, Dutch, French, German, and Nigerian discussing things.  He tried out the alternative tuning of a Frenchman's guitar, and he also flirted with a Dutch gal.  Since he got some enjoyable international discussions out of it, it's not a total waste.

Still, it's a relief finally getting him over here. 

Friday, October 01, 2010

Going back to the U.S.

Well, we just got the word today:  we'll be going back to the U.S. at the end of December.  We had hoped that we could have stayed until June or so--there were so many places and things we wanted to see and do, and there would have been more than enough work for John to do...if the customer had decided to proceed with the project.  However, governments all over are cutting budgets, and I think the project John was working on was not high enough priority for it to continue.  At least he has a job to go back to when we go back to the States, so that's good.

Still, I had wanted to visit England all my life, but I'm going to have to let that dream go.  I did get to go to Paris, and that was great, although I still have yet to see the Louvre.  Maybe if we get really lucky, we might be able to take a trip back to Europe some day...but...well, we'll see.

I'll have to find a full-time job right away when we get back; there are still college loans to pay, and improvements we should make on our house, not the least of which is a good interior paint!  So there is much work to do be done when we get home.  I hope I get a job very quickly, because I'm also going to have to get a car right away.  It's not like here, in Germany and the Netherlands, where you can get along very well by bicycle or train.  There are no commuter trains back home, not where work is, and bus service is limited.  Bicycling...well, it's very hilly at home, and so huffing and puffing up a steep 200 foot incline is not my cup of tea.

I admit I'm sad and had a small session that involved some tears...I was just getting to know the culture and discovering so many things and making friends!  But I did achieve the dream of going to Europe, and Derek will be here in less than a week and a half, so we'll have a family vacation at last, a dream I've had for the last 20 years (yeah, we haven't had a family vacation in that long).  So that's another thing to be happy about.  Two lifetime dreams achieved.  :-)

Whew.  Well, it's going to be rather difficult going back home, and a bit of a strain on our budget, but we'll manage, I'm sure.  We always do.